Social Responsibility – Amfori

Tretorn is a member of the organization Amfori, (formerly BSCI Business Social Compliance Initiative), which is an international initiative where companies work together to improve working conditions at the supplier level. Both when it comes to social and environmental issues. Amfori works to ensure systematic, independent follow-ups of supply chains. Together with Amfori and their 2,400 members, we share a code of conduct, which creates an extra weight in conversations with suppliers. Via Amfori, we get access to a platform that collects information and audits about our suppliers, which provides important information that can be used in our ongoing work on evaluation and follow-up at the producer level.
Amfori's code of conduct includes requirements for:
- Ethical business and prohibition of bribery
- Reasonable working hours
- Prohibition of discrimination
- Reasonable salary
- Prohibition of child labour
- Health and safety at work
- Special protection for young workers
- Prohibition of forced labour
- Environmental impact
- Secure employment conditions
- Freedom of association and the right to enter into collective agreements
- The Code of Conduct is based on the conventions of the UN (United Nation) and other international organizations on human rights.